
January 2011

Hosting change

We have just switched hosts to DreamHost. Please let me know if you run into any broken links. Thanks, Jonathan

September 2006

Apricot Technical Bulletins

Thanks to the patience and generosity of John Wickins (Wales) I now have a new set of Apricot documentation to share. The first set available is all 26 combined Apricot Technical Bulletins. These are posted as a scanned PDF and a searchable PDF of the contents pages under the support section.

November 2005


I now have the interesting Apricot support pamphlets from "USER PROMPT Guides" posted under the support section.

May 2005

Many links fixed on Mitsubishi Insight hosted at

Thanks to James Talbot, the Mitsubishi Insight site was brought back to he Apricot community. I have finally fixed many of the links within the web site. This means that many more of the pictures, diagrams, etc appear correctly and navigation through Insight is much improved.

Please visit the Mitsubishi (/Apricot) Insight website at

Archived News

Old news is archived here...

ACT Apricot machine series picture

Current projects

Planned additions to this site and ongoing projects are here. Your help is needed for some of these projects!

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