ACT Apricot related companies


Ansible sell:
  • An Apricot Emulator ("APE Plus") which allows most Apricot programs to be run on an IBM PC. This may allow you to view/edit your original data within your original programs even if your Apricot is defunct or no longer with you!
  • An Apricot disk reader/write for IBM PCs ("Apedrive"). This allows you to copy files back and forth between Apricot disks on an IBM PC. It comes with one file conversion utility (Superwriter->WordPerfect).


Mitsubishi bought Apricot a while back (tell me if you know any of the history of this). They have an on-line system with masses of files. Most of these are related to the more recent 'Apricot' ranges however some of it is relevant to the older Apricot PC/Xi/F1 machines. The on-line BBS service called Insight Online.

Sierra Systems

I have now spoken directly to Sierra Systems and hope to be posting a list of available support, software and documentation with prices.

Banks Software

  • Service to convert old Apricot-format disks to IBM (industry-standard) format.
  • Pricing $20 per disk, payable by cheque. Negotiable prices for bulk orders.
  • Can also perform data conversion - Superwriter to Word format for instance.
  • Specify your exact requirements by email and we can negotiate a price.


Apparently, Mauritron sell the comprehensive F1 tech/service manual (including the schematics) for about 30 quid (that's a good photocopy).

   Mauritron Technical Services
   8 Cherry Tree Road
   Oxfordshire OX9 4QY

   Tel : 01844 351694
   Fax : 01844 352554

"They will send you a catalogue of their books free of charge (but there's not much computer-related in that), and you can buy (about 4 quid) an index of service manuals on PC floppy disk (any size within reason ;-)). They do a lot of service/technical manuals, mostly TV/VCR, but a few computer-related ones. You tend to get good photocopies from them, not originals, but they do have some _obscure_ stuff (pre-war radios, early VCRs, etc), and aren't that expensive."

(Thank you Tony)

June 1999 - they now have a website. Mauritron is at

Logiciels & Services Duhem

PC-Lect allows you to transfer individual files to and from Apricot disks. WinConv allows you to translate older Word Processor formats to different formats for loading into current Word Processors.

You can download a demo version of PC-Lect or WinConv from Logiciels & Services Duhem (they have both French and English web pages).

DSDD Floppy Disk suppliers

Obtain correct disks If you need DS/DD 720K disks, MICRO WAREHOUSE has both Imation unformatted DS/DD diskettes (about $5 for 10) and Sony + Imation IBM formatted DS/DD diskettes (again about $5 for 10). Please read the APRIDISK Instruction manual carefully before purchasing disks.

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